Thursday, June 16, 2016

High Maintenance???


What's considered High Maintenance? Well online it's considered 'challenging, demanding, hard to please, needy' etc.. that's not me at all...right?

I'm going camping next week! My brother and his family (wife + five children) invited my mom, fiance and I to go camping with them over-night next week.. I mean it's only a night. I can do it. I hope. I've never done really anything nature esque in my life. I'm from Southern CALIFORNIA, and I live in a big ass city in the middle of the desert. Come on? But somehow they've talked me into this trip. I'm excited, and not really scared. I'm not much of a big person, nor heat person, and not a fan of being in walking distance from a bathroom. Well my mom, Fiance and I bought a tent and we're gonna wing it. I'm not sure how fun it will be but I have high hopes. Wish me luck. But seriously, high maintenance? hahahah. yeah ok. sure. Maybe a little. I'll keep you updated.

anyone else ever been camping or can give me tips on what to bring?

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Welcome to me?

I'm not very good at hello's. I mean I guess I know the basics. Hi! Hello. What's up? How are you? See, I told you. But if you want to be honest I'm not that great at goodbye's either. It usually ends up with me giving you an awkward hug, overly waving good-bye or if it's a serious goodbye meaning I'll see you in a few years or perhaps never it's almost always a quick not over thought goodbye that usually ends up with me being the overly sensitive person I am crying about you later and those not so memorable exchanges we've had over the past few months. I remember being in elementary school, and getting excited about the school year coming to an end. Just counting my days down, looking forward to the thought of not having to wake up at 8 am every morning, doing homework or having that God awful beef nuggets with cold green beans and a chocolate milk for lunch. Those kids I never spoke to all year long, where I knew all their names in my class but none of them knowing my name other than me being the fat one. I would sit on our couch in the living room and cry thinking I'm never going to see these kids again, knowing it will be only 3 months. But just tears streaming down my face every year because even though they made fun of me, never spoke to me or just ate my cookies I brought to our Christmas party I was truly going to miss all of them. What a freak I was, I know. So now you know why my goodbyes are so terrible lets get back to what this post was even about. I'm Destiny, I'm young but I'm also a bit of a grandma. Young body - Old mind. But I promise I'm not one of those kids who wish to have been born in the 50's. I'm not a kid in the slightest either. There's not much to me, but still so much to share. There's so much I want to learn and so much I have yet to feel. I love to travel but never seem to have the funds to do so, I love to binge watch movies, go out with the two friends I have. HA. Did I mention I'm a little but of a loner? I guess that's where and how I'll be finding the way to write here. I'm engaged to a man... he's a little but of a nerd. But I promise in time you will get to know more about me and my love life in the future. But I'm not tooting my own horn or anything, because there's so much more to write than about me. And you know what? Aside from the fact you shouldn't start a sentence out with and... I love to write! I live in Nevada, in a big city that rhymes with Los Wages. HAHA.. Ger it? I guess I could've done a little bit better. But I'm not going to lose the chance to do an awesome pun. I'm in the process of moving, so please live through me complaining about that. We're going from a big city to a slightly smaller big city. There's so much to talk about but I won't waste it on this post now. Here's a pretty cool thing I got the amazing chance to lay my taste buds on today though.
(Frozen Frog, Las Vegas, NV)

Anyway, I hope you find me a bit entertaining or maybe you kinda want to follow my story.
Thanks for reading guys, or guy, or madam..ladies?